So Far In Canada!
From the fifth season of the USA Network’s reality television series, The Amazing Race, we’ve seen some fantastic road trips, some memorable players, and a few nasties. We’ve seen a couple onetime winners race to get the luggage at baggage claim and several no-shows, but the winner who definitely will be remembered by this generation of travelers is the well-seasoned, level-headed, attractive blonde, Billie Eilish. This fantastic post is written by someone who visited her in her home country, Canada, to get a second hand account of what life has been like for her lately.
“I went to visit Billie at her home and I was amazed at how well she did. She’s a little bit shy, but once you get to know her, she’s so beautiful that it’s hard not to like her. She’d never been out of Canada before, she’d only lived there for a year or so, and we had a rather hard time finding a hotel that would let her stay. It was a real hassle, but it was worth it.”
What intrigues me most about her is that her name’s mystery. Most people know her by the nickname that she goes by in the house: “Pops” for short. But, if you take the time to know the real Billie, you’ll find that she isn’t your typical little blond who will happily pose for photos with all the guests and then just leave. She is intelligent, knows her way around the house, and loves to cook and clean.
Because I spent some time with Billie, I wanted to get some first hand accounts of what life is like for her now, and to the next generations of Canadian citizens, I want to give a shout out to my fellow Canadians. I know Billie and her family were not the typical Canadian Family that you see on TV. Her family includes seven children and nine grandchildren, so even if you don’t live in Canada, you’ll have a clue who Billie’s family is. I’ll share some details with you.
Billie is a very nice woman, and she brings joy to the lives of everyone she meets. There are many stories about Billie’s excellent sense of humor and the funny little quirks she’s so quick to display. One time, I was in Billie’s bedroom when her eleven year old daughter came into the room and said, “What’s up mommy? Can I borrow your hairbrush?”
Billie laughed and said, “I’m going to need it,” and she opened the drawer and pulled out the hairbrush. Billie never has any money, she doesn’t drink alcohol, and she and her husband have always taken pride in keeping themselves financially secure. She’s in fantastic shape, and I know for a fact that she knows it. She knows she has this lovely young man on the other side of the globe who wants to get together with her and become a family together. But, she’s staying true to herself, in this crazy world, and in spite of everything, she believes in herself and her ability to survive.
Billie doesn’t understand why people might think that she’s crazy, and she’s always looking for a way to explain the other side of the coin. She has no idea that she’s absolutely perfect, but that’s alright, because she’s perfect. She’s out here on the open road traveling, exploring, and relaxing.
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