Mesothelioma Treatment
Mesothelioma is a very rare form of cancer that originates in the mesothelium. The mesothelium is a tissue layer in the body, which protects the internal organs from damage and as a result it is important in many processes such as respiration and digestive processes. The first signs of mesothelioma are usually a painless lump in the chest of the patient, which remains until death.
The lung cancer is one of the deadliest forms of cancer because of the symptoms that are associated with it. The first symptom of mesothelioma is the presence of a malignant tumor in the lung. When the tumor is not removed at the first stage, a large quantity of cancer cells start to spread into the normal lung tissue and grow. As the cancer cells continue to grow, it may affect other parts of the body like the abdomen, chest and heart.
Periodontal disease is a disease where inflammation in the gums, tissue around the teeth and the bones cause pockets of fluid to develop in these areas. These pockets will be filled with debris that may cause painful lumps. This situation may trigger the development of cancerous tumors.
Many people who are suffering from mesothelioma also experience a feeling of swelling in the legs which can result in lack of movement, difficulty in walking and difficulty in breathing. These symptoms may indicate that the patient may suffer from mesothelioma if it is not treated on time.
Today, it is a more common thing for people to look for a non-invasive way to treat mesothelioma. There are several methods that may be used. The methods include surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and medical treatment through drugs.
Surgery is used to remove some of the affected tissue in the area where the cancer is present. If the cancer has spread to other areas, the cancer may have spread to the other areas of the body as well. In the case of removing cancerous tissue, the surgeon will remove the entire lump in the chest and may also remove other tissue to check if the cancer has spread. This may also reduce the rate of cancer formation in the future.
Radiation is also used in the treatment of mesothelioma. Radiation therapy may be received in the form of a machine that can be inserted into the patients’ body. With this therapy, targeted areas are damaged to remove the cancerous cells.
Chemotherapy is also used in medical treatment of mesothelioma. In this treatment, cancer cells are removed by injecting them to the affected areas. This therapy may be useful to stop the spread of the cancer cells in the patient’s body.