Anmol Dhalla Uses His Failures to Define His Success



Anmol Dhalla is a young entrepreneur, the CEO of Genzup, a speaker, and an investor. At just nineteen years old, he has already been in his industry for almost ten years. “I’m a failure with a positive mindset and a lot of patience!” Through his numerous learning experiences, he has gained valuable knowledge that he utilizes to be the leader of his company. With his strong background in marketing, investing, and entrepreneurship, he is leading his clients into the future by helping them market the elusive Generation Z and retain them as customers.

Genzup values simplicity in its marketing. “We are focused on the ever-changing landscape of the Internet,” Anmol explains. “It can be chaotic online due to the rapid release of information and social media posts. We teach our clients how to break through that and capture the attention of the younger audience. This is the generation that will be driving the economy pretty soon.  We should not forget how important it is to cater to them with our marketing efforts.”

Anmol is confident and focused on his business and its daily operations, but he had to grow to be able to handle the pace of each demanding workday. He started out in grade five to design websites because that is something he wanted to do when he was older. “That was the worst website I have ever made,” Anmol laughs. “But I learned from that and continued to try. That is what led me to become as resilient as I am now and so positive about failure.”

A strong mindset is important to Anmol. With each business endeavor he started, including having a web radio business and a successful clothing line, he faced failure. “I had to ignore a lot of people that told me that I should quit or that I wouldn’t be successful,” he says. “That is why I am so passionate about growth: I have overcome a lot of negativity from others, and I will continue to do so. No one should dictate your potential, and I learned so much from those failures I experienced.” 

Anmol’s path to Genzup began in grade seven. In 2013, he created his own web design agency, known then as 1A4D Studios, and over time it evolved into Genzup. “It’s an organization of the future,” Anmol says. “The Gen Z generation is crucial to the success of businesses and organizations, yet so many people do not understand how they think or what they want. That is what makes my company so different from others: we get that generation and can connect our clients to them.”

Companies are taking notice of Genzup and are reaching out to the firm more and more. “We have already worked with Microsoft, Century 21, and Ryerson University,” Anmol states. “They value the unique service we provide and the results.”

Marketing is a big part of what Genzup does. “We focus on content marketing, branding, grassroots marketing, and data and analytics. That’s just a sample of what we do. Gen Z is intelligent, but, let’s admit it, has a somewhat short attention span because of the realities of the digital age. That’s why we show our clients how to create materials that can grab a viewer’s attention on social media. That’s becoming increasingly important because of how competitive online marketing is.”

Genzup also specializes in information technology, including web development, web hosting, digital commerce, customer relationship management, and content management systems. “Every good marketing plan will be backed up by a system that supports it and logs the campaign’s resulting data, so this part of what Genzup offers is extremely helpful,” Anmol believes.

One service that clients especially like is their ability to learn more about innovation and strategy. Genzup teaches how to conduct competitive analysis, position a company strategically, and research customers to gain more insights about them. “Anything a client needs to know or do in order to reach the younger generation more effectively, we can help them with.”

Anmol’s guidance and leadership of Genzup will result in more growth in 2021. “The future of the industry is in the hands of Gen Z, and it is incredibly important to include them. As a member of Gen Z myself, I think a lot of progress will be made in marketing and campaign retention as more companies are able to connect with this generation.”

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