Mesothelioma Causes and Their Prevention
One of the most mysterious and perplexing forms of cancer is the mesothelioma. There are no cures for this disease because it is a hereditary disease which means the genes that cause this cancer is passed down from parent to child. Many families are affected by mesothelioma and the number of deaths due to this cancer has been steadily increasing each year.
Statistics show that more than 5,000 people every year are diagnosed with this disease in the United States, and the number is growing at a great rate, all over the world. One reason for this is that the medical industry as a whole is now aware of the threat of asbestos exposure from the manufacturing process of many asbestos-based products, which contain large amounts of asbestos fibers.
Mesothelioma causes can be grouped into three main categories; asbestos-related mesothelioma, asbestos-induced malignant mesothelioma, and non-asbestos-related mesothelioma. The leading cause of death due to asbestos exposure is mesothelioma. Other asbestos related diseases such as pleural mesothelioma and lung cancer are also associated with mesothelioma.
This form of cancer is usually found among men in America and other developed countries. Most men who develop mesothelioma are age 50 or older, and the most common type of mesothelioma is pleural mesothelioma. Because of the asbestos exposure, these cancerous tumors grow very quickly, and the occurrence of pleural mesothelioma is up to three times higher than in non-exposed patients. Other different types of mesothelioma include bronchiolitis, peritoneal mesothelioma, Hodgkin’s disease, and multiple myeloma.
American Medical Association has called the increasing number of deaths from mesothelioma as one of the biggest health problems facing mankind. They also noted that another 250 deaths were expected in the current year. Therefore, the problem is increasing, and even the richest among us may not escape.
If you have had any form of asbestos exposure, you should immediately consult your doctor if you experience chest pain, coughing up blood, or abnormal bleeding. If you have had exposure to asbestos in the past, you should seek immediate treatment.
Some causes of this cancer can be prevented through different ways. For example, it can be prevented through wearing protective clothing when working around asbestos or working on contaminated areas. It can also be prevented by having an annual check-up, regular check-ups, and regular check-ups of all your family members including your children.
Mesothelioma causes and the development of this cancer are still unknown. What is known is that the most effective way to combat this cancer is prevention. By going through regular check-ups, doing regular exercise, and eating a well-balanced diet, you will be able to prevent this cancer from spreading in your body.