What Are The Mesothelioma Causes?
Mesothelioma causes are numerous. You must first realize that a cancer can be identified through the symptoms and the appearance of the cancer. In some cases, the cancer may be unable to show visible symptoms but it is there nonetheless. Mesothelioma causes are very common because these tumors are so rare.
Many factors such as asbestos exposure, tobacco smoking, exposure to chemicals or an unhealthy lifestyle may cause the cancer. Smoking is one of the major causes because it increases the chances of developing mesothelioma. Cigarette smoke contains asbestos, which is a known carcinogen.
Mesothelioma causes and complications due to mesothelioma are numerous. The cancer can spread throughout the body and affect vital organs such as the heart and lungs. Some people may experience anemia, difficulty breathing, increased pain in the chest or even shortness of breath.
Aspirin may reduce the risk of developing this disease, however, it may also increase the chances of experiencing complications. If the cancer cells spread, they may invade the liver and lungs. The muscles of the lungs may become infected, and other organs like the kidneys or brain may also become affected. Lung cancer is one of the most common forms of mesothelioma.
The skin is also another area of the body that can develop into mesothelioma. Certain types of cancer, like those caused by asbestos, cause mesothelioma of the skin. Skin cancer is often self-limiting and does not require treatment.
Environmental factors such as smoking and being exposed to certain chemicals may also cause mesothelioma causes. An asbestos exposure, such as the one in factories, also puts an individual at risk for developing mesothelioma. The radiation emitted from X-rays or from radioactive material can also cause the disease.
Smoking may also be considered as one of the mesothelioma causes. Alcohol consumption is another factor. A decrease in calcium and an increase in fat may also cause the disease.
These are some of the mesothelioma causes. It is important to consult a physician if you have noticed a lump on your skin. The sooner you consult a physician, the more likely you are to get the correct diagnosis. If diagnosed with mesothelioma, treatments can still take time and can even be expensive.
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