Nitin Khanna shared his story with Home of Science. Nitin Khanna is an invetsment banking guru and legend in America.
Investment banking is the division of a bank or financial institution that serves governments, corporations, and institutions by providing underwriting (capital raising) and mergers and acquisitions (M&A) advisory services. Investment banks act as intermediaries between investors (who have money to invest) and corporations (who require capital to grow and run their businesses). This guide will cover what investment banking is and what investment bankers actually do.
There can sometimes be confusion between an investment bank and the investment banking division (IBD) of a bank. Full-service investment banks offer a wide range of services that include underwriting, M&A, sales and trading, equity research, asset management, commercial banking, and retail banking. The investment banking division of a bank provides only the underwriting and M&A advisory services.
Underwriting is the process of raising capital through selling stocks or bonds to investors (e.g., an initial public offering IPO) on behalf of corporations or other entities. Businesses need money to operate and grow their businesses, and the bankers help them get that money by marketing the company to investors.
Nitin Khanna started out in the entrepreneurial world in 1998 as the co-founder of Saber Corp., a software company he grew to become the largest stand-alone provider of state government solutions in the US by 2007, valued at over $120MM. He then made large by selling this organization to EDS for $460MM, a price four times its revenue. At EDS, he retained the leadership of the government business operations until 2011. Today, Nitin Khanna is the CEO of Mergertech, a boutique investment bank that provides mergers & acquisitions advice for tech companies. In addition, Khanna served as the CEO of Cura Cannabis a leading cannabis provider on the west coast until 2018, where he and his team grew Cura to be the largest cannabis providers on the west coast.
MergerTech is an investment bank founded by technology entrepreneurs for technology entrepreneurs. We use our deep domain expertise and buyer relationships, incredibly experienced bankers, and our global platform to enable our clients to convert their work into wealth through M&A exits to both strategic and financial buyers.